Source: members/config.js

 * @file Dynasty, asynchronous dependency injection.
 * @author Adam Mill <>
 * @copyright Copyright 2019-2021 Adam Mill
 * @license Apache-2.0

 * Imports.
const mergeWith = require('lodash.mergewith');
const { getTypeOf, isArray, isObject, isFunction } = require('@theroyalwhee0/istype');

 * Config Function factory.
 * @returns {Function} The config function.
function configFactory(context) {

   * Deep merge configuration into existing configuration.
   * @param {object} config Configuration to merge.
  function mergeConfig(config) {
    mergeWith(context.config, config, (obj, src) => {
      if(isArray(obj) && isArray(src)) {
        return obj.concat(src);

   * Merge an object into the configuration.
   * This configuration is exposed to builder functions.
   * @typedef coreConfig
   * @function
   * @param {object|function} value Object to merge into the configuration. If function merge the results of the function.   * @returns {promise} No results.
  function coreConfig(value) {
    if(isObject(value)) {
      return Promise.resolve();
    } else if(isFunction(value)) {
      return new Promise(async (resolve) => {
        const config = await value();
    } else {
      throw new Error(`Invalid config type '${getTypeOf(value)}'`);

   * Merge an object into the configuration.
   * This configuration is exposed to builder functions.
   * @public
   * @typedef config
   * @function
   * @param {object|function} value Object to merge into the configuration. If function merge the results of the function.
   * @returns {promise} No results.
  return function config(value) {
    const promise = coreConfig(value);
    // NOTE: Because the user does not have to chain the config's promises we need to
    // keep track of them so we can catch rejections and resolve everything later.
    return promise;


 * Exports.
module.exports = {